Archive by year: 2016Return

Christmas Peace

"I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full." John 10:10"Emmanuel, our God, is among us. Our Savior comes, the perfect image of the Father communicated to humankind. We worship you, Savior, in your coming. With the shepherds, we offer you our gifts: our time, our energies, our very lives, for the proclamation of your Word,  your salvation, your peace. We worship you, Master, in our acts of communication. May we recognize you in each encounter and...
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Advent Wisdom Week 4

Psalm 33The Greatness and Goodness of God1 Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous.    Praise befits the upright.2 Praise the Lord with the lyre;    make melody to him with the harp of ten strings.3 Sing to him a new song;    play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.4 For the word of the Lord is upright,    and all his work is done in faithfulness.5 He loves righ...
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Advent Wisdom Week 3

"We are in the Advent season: let us try to follow the liturgy and prepare ourselves for Christmas through intense prayer,  prayers well said and lived. And let us unite to our prayers some sacrifices so as to prepare ourselves well to receive the Child Jesus." Mother Thecla Merlo, FSP
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Advent Wisdom Week 2

"Our adoration should be filled with interior fervor, in response to the mystical attraction contained in the words  'Come to me, all of you.'  Let us move toward the Word Incarnate and embrace him as the great gift of the Father to us: 'To those who accepted him he gave power to become children of God.' ” (Jn 1:12)         Sr.Giovannamaria Carrara, FSP
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Advent Wisdom Week 1

"Jesus made himself small in order that he might be loved and that we would not feel awkward in appealing to him….One is more daring with those who are small….Let us also remember that the Child Jesus is found in the arms of Mary."Venerable Mother Thecla, FSP  
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The Presence of the Mother of God

Founder of an apostolic family, Father Alberione was especially sensitive to the presence of the Mother of God in the realm of his apostolic labors and invited his Congregations to venerate her under the title of the “Queen of the Apostles.” The principal houses of these Congregations in Rome are located around the shrine-church he had built and dedicated to the Queen of the Apostles. It was his filial homage to the patroness of his entire work.Every Marian title is simply the starti...
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Mother Thecla Generous on Earth and in Heaven

Four or five years after I entered the Daughters of St. Paul, I met Mother Thecla Merlo, our Co-Foundress. (Yes, she was still alive when I entered! We are a young religious congregation—only 101 years old.)I didn’t know much about Mother Thecla then, although I noticed how patient she was with me as I tried to express myself in halting Italian. Only later was I able to read the first biography written about her, where I discovered much more about her holiness.Mother Thecla was deepl...
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