Archive by year: 2017Return

Praying in the New Year

Here at the Daughters of St. Paul we always end the old year and pray in the New Year with a day of retreat. It is a tradition of our congregation since our Founder received the inspiration for what would become the Pauline Family on a New Year's Eve spent in prayer. No matter how you ring in the New Year, I pray that your heart will be open to how God is inspiring YOU, and speaking to YOUR heart about what has been in 2017 and what will be in 2018."Kathryn, this is how I see it..."...
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Advent: We are still awaiting a Savior

This holy season of Advent is a common favorite among my Sisters. Those of you who follow us on social media may even have noticed that Sr. Julia Mary has been gearing up for this season by selecting spiritual reading (you can join the thousands that follow her on Instagram). But what is it about this season that is especially attractive? Perhaps it is the sense of waiting. It is the waiting that reminds us of the purity and excitement of children awaiting traditions and gifts at Christmas.Adven...
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Blessed James Alberione on how to live in Jesus

That we may disappear and he may live completely. Only and always Jesus!
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May it be Jesus who lives in me

A. Deep. Breath. That was what I needed first to break the power of the day's lingering memories. Another breath and another...I imagined the tension and worry flowing out from my fingers and my toes until I relaxed enough to bring my day to the only One who could show me the way through the struggles to the radiance of surrender. I showed it  all to him and then listened.Like the people who met Jesus in the Gospels. They showed him their leprosy, their fears, their sins, their doubts.....
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Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows: a Prayer

 September 15 is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. This woman and mother who was greeted by the Angel Gabriel as “full of grace,” is also the woman and mother who is full of sorrow. At weddings and religious professions and ordinations, I rejoice with the young people beginning their lives with such joy, knowing that one day they will also drink their chalice of sorrow.Life is beautiful that way. It doesn’t allow us to run through the years of our life getting everything w...
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Prayer to the angels for those in the path of Hurricane Irma

To the angels who watch over usour guardians who see the face of Godstrong spirits who hold our handshearts of flame, loving God and guiding us on our way,a silence shrouds the country as we wait out the stormas we wade through the floodsas we worry about loved onesas we evacuate and seek shelterGo before uswatch behind usshield usprotect usbring us togetherto care for each otherAs you stand before the face of our Father in heavenintercede for usask for mercyhear our plea, when anxiety is our pr...
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2 Secrets for the Journey to Heaven

There are days when we are reminded more than others that life only makes sense if we remember where we are going. Blessed James Alberione succinctly states: "We are travelling toward the Lord; we are on a journey in this life. Let each one of us, then, fix our eyes on the Lord."The other morning the first reading at Mass was read from the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 24. In this reading, Joshua states how Esau was given by God Mount Seir to possess it, but Jacob and his sons...
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