Archive by year: 2018Return

Mary treasured all these things....

“Mary treasured all these things and pondered on them in her heart” (Lk 2:19).For several years now I have been curating a blog called “The Angelus Project." Every week it presents a different image of the Annunciation as a way of encouraging people to pray the Angelus (though now that we are in the Easter season, that prayer yields pride of place to the Regina Coeli). The process of selecting and posting these weekly images from so many different eras and cultures has tau...
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Meditation on Our Easter Candle

Each year we purchase a plain Easter Candle. Sr Mary Leonora then lovingly creates a unique and exquisite image on the candle. On the left is a closeup of the candle for this year.The theme for this year’s candle is The Victory of the Lamb as portrayed in the book of Revelation. The symbol of the Lamb takes us from Genesis (the sacrifice asked of Abraham), through the Exodus Passover and the suffering servant prophecies of Isaiah, to the proclamation of John the Baptist (Behold, the L...
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Love is the Real Power at Play

It has been but four days after 17 teens died at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and the pain of this event, born primarily by those closest to these teens and their community, still lies heavy on my heart. The only prayer that makes sense at a moment like this is the Way of the Cross. Did you ever notice how the Stations of the Cross are an astounding portrayal of the power of love in the experience of violence?In this prayer, where violence seems to have the last wor...
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