Archive by year: 2016Return

Messenger of the Good News

In 1994 we Daughters of St. Paul celebrated the centenary of the birth of our first Superior General, Maria Teresa Merlo, or Maestra Thecla, (Maestra meaning Teacher, as she was called by us and Thecla, the name she took for profession).Back in 1915, when she was 21, the Holy Spirit opened before her a completely new future when he guided her steps toward Father James Alberione in the town of Alba in Piedmont. In the previous year Father Alberione had gathered around himself a group of...
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Why Mary Is So Special To Catholics

When we see Mary in relation to the Holy Spirit, we are able to understand how important her role is--in the Church, and to every Catholic.“The Spirit changes those in whom he comes to dwell; he so transforms them that they begin to live a completely new kind of life” (St Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on John).  The role of the Spirit is not only to make us holy, but also to give us a mission in the Church.The Holy Spirit first came upon Mary at her Immaculate Conception,...
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Pokemon Go a Spiritual Teacher?

With all this excitement about Pokémon Go, I decided I had to investigate myself. The novices had already done “due diligence” and checked out our retreat house where they are cooking this week to see if there were any wild Pokémon there. The Blessed Mother statue in the front of the retreat house is a Poké Stop. My first thought was to check out our Motherhouse grounds to see if we should be expecting extra visitors playing Pokémon Go, hold...
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What Keeps You Up at Night?

The greatest preoccupation in the heart of Blessed James Alberione at the beginning of the last century was how to get the Gospel into the hands of people, of families, and of hearts. When we look at the world today, this is the same question in every Pauline's heart. The world so needs Jesus and his mercy. How can we reach everyone with his love.Here are Blessed James Alberione's words:"Be conscious of your responsibility! Don't keep counting the number of readers, but the...
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A Picture that Changed My Life

For anyone who knows me, I can see their eyes rolling right now. “There she goes again!” I’ve had these “life-changing” experiences monthly since I entered in 1978.Seriously, though. At the end of annual retreat this year, I read the explanation of our icon of the Divine Master. I’ve probably read it before. This time, however, it was the “sacrament” or channel of God’s grace in a particular way.Our spirituality can be summed up in four words...
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Jubilee Celebration of Our Sisters 2016

This past Saturday, July 2,2016, we had the great joy of celebrating God's fidelity in the lives of nine of our sisters who celebrated 25, 50, and 60 years of religious profession as Daughters of St. Paul. Below are the comments of Sr. Mary Leonora Wilson, Provincial Superior, at the end of the Mass.The Jubilarians with Bishop Richard Lennon, who presided at the Liturgy, and the concelebrants. A jubilee of religious profession is always a very special and meaningful celebration, one tha...
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Last Day Novena to St. Paul, Offered in Reparation for the Misuse of the Media

Join us in concluding this Novena to Saint Paul, in reparation for the misuse of the media and so that everyone will use the media as God intends: for God's glory and the good of God's people.
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