Archive by year: 2019Return

How to Supercharge Your Prayer Life with the Rosary

Would you like to gain a big boost in your prayer life? Can you set aside fifteen minutes a day? That’s all it takes to pray the Rosary. The benefits you will gain will last into eternity.The Rosary is a “compendium of the Gospel,” according to Saint John Paul II. Each of the mysteries of the Rosary takes an episode from the Gospel and offers it to us for meditation and prayer.In his letter to the Romans, Saint Paul places the Gospel at the very center of the Christian life: &l...
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New Novices! A Lesson in Trust

Greetings! Sr. Cecilia and Sr. Marta here.We’re two of the new novices in formation to become Daughters of St. Paul. We are truly blessed to be writing to you on such a special day! Today is the 115th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of St Paul by Blessed James Alberione in 1914 in Italy, which gives us a great reason to celebrate. The Society of St Paul was the first congregation founded by Alberione. All the congregations and institutes founded by Alberione make up ...
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Interviews with our Newly Professed Sisters

The month of June is always a special month. Of course, we celebrate the Feast of our Father St Paul on June 30. The whole month, however, has a celebratory flavor. All of us remember our profession as Daughters of St Paul which are always celebrated in this special month. In our hearts, we renew our vows and rededicate ourselves in the Church to evangelization with the media of social communication.  Each year a number of sisters rejoice in their 25th, 50th, 60th, and 7...
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What is impossible for us is possible for God

Look around you. Do you see Spirit-filled Christians? Do you see Catholics on fire for the Gospel? Men and women totally surrendered to God and living lives marked by the beatitudes: Blessed the poor in spirit, the meek, the pure of heart?  The event of Pentecost as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles gives us a clear indication of why we don’t see the Spirit transforming the earth.  The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles was part of a long process of transformation for...
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Easter Teaches Us Not to Fear Our Sorrow and Weakness

As I was living the sacred days of the Paschal Triduum this year, I have been thinking of how overwhelmed people are feeling these days. It seems as if we have been brought to the edge: as a country, as a Church, and even the burning of Notre-Dame de Paris and the bombings in Sri Lanka have been as a kick in the gut.Though we prefer to meditate on Jesus as the kind and gentle Shepherd, the merciful Savior, the consoling Master, Jesus actually brought his disciples into a state of “ove...
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How Mary Helps Us Stay on Course for Lent

How is your Lent going? We’re about halfway through it already. If you have a Lenten plan and have stuck with it so far, that’s great. If not, there’s still time to correct our course and prepare for Easter. In doing this, we have a wonderful example in Mary, our Blessed Mother. We just celebrated the feast of the Annunciation. That feast is not meant to just be another day, but it shows us how we can live in response to God’s loving invitations to us. Mary is the Ne...
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Mother Thecla Merlo: The Whole World Fit in Her Heart

What goes through your mind when you wake up? Your to-do list? Your calendar? An upcoming meeting? A conversation you had last night? The real problems in our world, in our Church, in your family, in your heart?As hard as I try, these things are often on my mind when I wake up in the morning. There are always things to do, meetings to attend, emails to answer, places to go…and people to worry about.I have found myself thinking lately about Mother Thecla, the first Daughter of St. Paul, an...
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