Archive by category: Our SpiritReturn

My Damascus Events

A Personal Reflection on Paul's Damascus Event: Light and darkness, sight and blindness, power and weakness, control and surrender. The “Damascus event” in Paul’s life is often played out in my own, though in a less dramatic manner. Lord Jesus, I meet you in so many ways: sometimes in silence and prayer or by stumbling to the ground of my existence.As I journey through the days of my life, stop me, call out my name, send me your dazzling light, and take hold of me...
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7 Reasons To Have Devotion to St. Paul

Did you ever come across a treasure that was right under your eyes and all of a sudden discovered it as a new-found precious gift?That's what happened to me—but it was more of a gradual discovery. When I entered the Daughters of St. Paul fifty-­seven years ago, I was introduced to Saint Paul with a copy of his Epistles in a translation that was a bit scholarly and hard for my teenage mind to grasp. But over the years, with the encouragement of our Founder, Blessed James Alberi...
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Mary: The Fastest Way to Be Transformed in Christ

From the writings of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo the first professed Pauline priest of the Society of St. Paul founded by Blessed James Alberione, SSP in 1914.The diary of Blessed Timothy from his years in the seminary testifies and confirms how much he grew in devotion to Mary most holy.Little by little as the years passed, his love for Mary increased, guiding his entire life. “Everything for Mary” was the primary point of Marian piety of Father Timothy. ...
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Why Mary Is So Special To Catholics

When we see Mary in relation to the Holy Spirit, we are able to understand how important her role is--in the Church, and to every Catholic.“The Spirit changes those in whom he comes to dwell; he so transforms them that they begin to live a completely new kind of life” (St Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on John).  The role of the Spirit is not only to make us holy, but also to give us a mission in the Church.The Holy Spirit first came upon Mary at her Immaculate Conception,...
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