It Is Written, I Have Come to Do Your Will

This is part 4 of a nine part series of meditations on the Word of God with reflections from the writings of Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo and Blessed James Alberione.A key phrase that determined Mother Thecla’s journey was “the will of God.” This statement includes everything” vocation and mission, health and sickness, life and death, the divine and the human. She perceived the will of God at work in her life, from the beginning to end.The Gospel MessageThat is why he sa...
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Imitating Jesus Divine Master

This is part 3 of the nine part series of meditations on the Word of God with reflections from the writings of Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo and Blessed James Alberione. It is a journey firmly founded on her great loves: Jesus Master in the Holy Eucharist, the Gospel, the Church and souls, sought through the apostolate of social communication. Jesus was the sole way for Mother Thecla. In particular, she reaffirmed his invitation: "Learn from me, for I am gentle and ...
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Blessed Are You: Venerable Mother Thecla's Spiritual Journey

As we continue with part two of  Mother Thecla’s letters and meditations, we notice that her life and teachings revolve around the Sermon on the Mount. The Gospel values she draws from this passage are never separated from the person of Jesus. Poverty, simplicity, gentleness, transparency, fortitude, peace mercy: she held these qualities up as characteristics of the Pauline life to be lived on a personal, communitarian and apostolic level.The Gospel MessageSeeing the crowds, Jesus wen...
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Mother Thecla’s Gift to the World

One late night a young Italian seminarian was kneeling in adoration before the Eucharist when “a special light came from the Host, a greater understanding of the invitation extended by Jesus: ‘Come to me, all of you….’” He immediately understood that he was being led into a very special vocation.That seminarian was James Alberione, and he went on to become a priest, an apostle, and a communicator of Christ. But he never forgot the invitation extended to him that ni...
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Jesus Master, Sanctify My Mind and Increase My Faith

Imagine if you could see the world the way GOD sees it? Imagine if you could think about things that happen in your life with the wisdom of GOD? Imagine if you could see your life and your loved ones with the mind of GOD? Have you ever wondered how God sees you?If we are ever to get to the point of being united with God so much that we are imbued totally with God's wisdom, the way we think, and react, our biases and prejudices will all be healed. In other words, our minds will need...
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Venerable Mother Thecla's Spiritual Journey: Seek First the Kingdom of God

This is the beginning of a series of reflections and prayers that takes you on a journey with Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo. It is a journey firmly founded on her great loves: Jesus Master in the Holy Eucharist, the Gospel, the Church and souls, sought through the apostolate of social communication. The Word of God and the Eucharist guided her life in a particular way. For her, these were "places" where she encountered Christ in the full conviction that the Gospel would enlig...
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Ten Verbs Dear to Blessed James Alberione

TO MOVE AHEADOnward, Daughters of St. Paul!Blessed are the footsteps of those who bring the Gospel, who bring peace. Blessed are the walkers of God!Today the world has changed, and to travel the paths of this world we must update ourselves, [using] all the means that can serve to communicate the Gospel.TO COMMUNICATESt. Paul carried out the work of communicating Jesus Christ.Our Family was raised up to continue this work, to be Paul alive today.The first thing our apostolate requires is standard...
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