Archive by year: 2015Return

In Jesus We Reveal the Face of Love

Ask any Daughter of St. Paul why she entered the community, and the answers will be as varied as the women you ask. At the heart of each response, however, will be an absolute dedication to evangelization, to bringing the hope of the Gospel to today’s world with the fastest and most effective means possible, the means of communication.The Daughters of St. Paul are a community of vowed women religious who dedicate their lives to sharing the mystery of Christ’s love with the people of today thro...
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Magnificat! 100 Years and a Single Step

Reflections on My Forever “Yes.”Sr. Emi Magnificat’s Reflections on Her Retreat before Perpetual Profession2015 is a special year for the Daughters of St. Paul; we are celebrating our Centenary Year! 100 years of God’s faithfulness has brought us together to where we are today and continues to call us out of ourselves to respond to him in always greater trust, availability, creativity and deep love.2015 has also been also a special year for me, as I am preparing to make my perpetual professi...
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