Archive by year: 2013Return

Upcoming Discernment Events

Come and See! Information for the upcoming discernments offered by the Daughters of St. Paul
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Being a Saint in Byte-Sized Pieces

by Sr. Theresa Noble, noviceDaughters of St. PaulThe need for reform in the Church is something that ebbs and flows. Depending on historical circumstances, the need for serious change can be great in some times while at other times it is less so.However, there is virtually never a time in which there is no need for reform in the Church because although the Church is the Body of Christ, it is also composed of weak human beings who make mistakes. As sinful humans, each one of us is in need of refo...
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Blessing of New Apostolic Areas in the Publishing House

October 10, 2013, we celebrated together the end of a long process of revitalizing the areas in which we carry out the apostolate here at Pauline Books and Media. The Central Office and Editorial changed locations in order to create room for the new Digital Department. In the process all the areas involved were repainted, carpeting was removed and the floors waxed. In keeping with our tradition we had a special ceremony in which the new areas were blessed with holy water. Fr. Joe Mozer performed...
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Two New Pre-Novices arrive in the community of Boston

This week, the community of Boston welcomed our 2 pre-novices--Chelsea and Carly. Both of them arrived safely and with a few days to settle into the novitiate before beginning their 8 day retreat in preparation for their official entrance which will be on Friday October 4th, Feast of St. Francis.I caught up with them after Mass enjoying a cup of coffee with Sr. Christina Miriam and Sr. Laura Fidelis who just made profession a couple months ago.Carly and Chelsea will be joining the Sisters of the...
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Learning the Secrets of Holiness from the Saints!

Sharon DiCecco, host of Radio Maria’s Community in Concert program, invited me on this afternoon’s broadcast to talk about the saints, our call to holiness, and the two books I co-authored with Sr. Mary Lea Hill, Saints Alive! The Faith Proclaimed, and Saints Alive! The Gospel Witnessed. Because of my crazy schedule, we had to pre-record it.I have to say this was the most fun I’ve ever had on an interview. Not only did we not have to worry about ru...
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New Documentary on Religious Life by Imagine Sisters

“Light of Love” is a new 60-minute documentary by Imagine Sisters. What, you ask, is “Imagine Sisters”? And whatever “Imagine Sisters” is, isn’t it bad syntax? “Imagine Sisters” is a movement (begun by Chicago seminarians—out of the goodness of their hearts and under the patronage of St. Therese) to encourage women’s religious vocations.The aim? To SHOW the joy and simplicity of the calling to be a bride of Christ; to be a meeting...
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Pope Francis: Social communications is for bringing others to Christ

Plenary session of the Pontifical Council on Social Communications today; Pope Francis gave a talk which the Vatican news summed up as "communications is for bringing people to Christ": here's the link“The challenge is to rediscover, through the means of social communication as well as by personal contact, the beauty that is at the heart of our existence and our journey, the beauty of faith and of ...
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