Welcome! We’re glad you stopped by to visit us because what you are about to learn and behold is truly a treasure, an adventure and invitation to embark on one of the most exciting journeys of your life! It is the discovery of your path to holiness, a call to be a saint, right here, right now, in our media saturated culture. And in case you have any doubt, yes, it is possible.


On June 29, 1917, our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, formed the Association of Pauline Cooperators – one of ten Institutes in the Pauline Family – as a group of lay men and women, single or married, from all walks of life, to follow in the footsteps of Saint Paul and actively participate in the spreading of the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of today using the most modern means of communication. Blessed Alberione was inspired to follow the example of St Paul who collaborated with many men and women of his time to preach the Gospel. How much more this principle is needed today…


Pauline Cooperators are leaven in the bread of our world, they are the light in the darkness, they are the salt of the earth, living and giving Jesus right where they are in their work place, families, relationships and activities of daily life.

Pauline Cooperators are writers, teachers, actors, musicians, doctors, managers, government workers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, social workers, technicians, media professionals, nurses, maintenance workers…and the list goes on.

Pauline Cooperators, by their very lives, radiantly witness and point to Christ as the Way among many ways that one could follow in this life. They point to Jesus who is the Truth, among a plethora of truths. They embrace Jesus our true Life among many proposed fountains of life in our day and age.

Pauline Cooperators engage in a variety of evangelization initiatives with the different Institutes of the Pauline Family. The Cooperators collaborate with the Daughters of St Paul at their different locations in the United States and English-Speaking Canada.

Pauline Cooperators are able “to do” and “to be” all these things only because as members of the Pauline family they are born from, rooted in and nourished by Jesus in the Eucharist, the Word of God, the Sacraments and the teachings of the Church. They strive only to “live Jesus” with all that they are – mind, will, and heart – so at to “give Jesus” to all people.


So, if you are excited like we are about living your Catholic Faith, what are you waiting for? Join our Family today and take that next step to become a committed media apostle for Christ so that together, by our prayer, works and offerings in our everyday life happenings, many may come to know God, love Him and live for Him all their days!


We are praying for you and look forward to seeing you soon…St Paul, pray for us!

God is with you,        

Sr. Jacqueline Jean-Marie Gitonga, FSP

National Director of Pauline Cooperators

Daughters of St Paul


Meet Jeff Mathews

My name is Jeff Mathews. I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. I made my Promises as a Pauline Cooperator on the same day St. Damien of Molokai was canonized a Saint - October 11, 2009.

I first met the Daughters of St. Paul at their bookstore in Crestwood, and my wife Carolyn and I brought our five children to the annual Birthday Parties for Jesus there. The Daughters of St. Paul are such a blessing to my family and me that I wanted to help them in any way I could. I started on their local Advisory Board, on which I now serve as president. I never dreamed I would actually participate in evangelization myself, but when you love the Divine Master as much as the Daughters helped me to love Him, you cannot help but share that love with others!

I occasionally write articles for the Pauline Laity Blog, and I help promote the Pauline Mission on social media and in my community. I have also incorporated the Pauline charism into my medical practice. Our gastrointestinal medical mission, the Giaccardo GI Group, named after one of the first Pauline priests, brings the healing Jesus to those in need in Honduras. The Pauline Family is an awesome worldwide group of Priests, Sisters, other Consecrated Religious and lay persons who use all forms of media to bring Jesus Way, Truth and Life to a world greatly in need of Him!


Meet Beth Lengel

Meet Beth Lengel

Meet Beth Lengel, a Pauline Cooperator living in South Carolina.

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Meet Maria Siciliano

Meet Maria Siciliano

Meet Maria Siciliano, a Pauline Cooperator living in Los Angeles, CA.

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Meet Robert Peri

Meet Robert Peri

Meet Bob Peri, a Pauline Cooperator living in New Orleans, LA.

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Meet Christin Jezak

Meet Christin Jezak

Meet Christin Jezak, a Pauline Cooperator living in Burbank, CA.

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Meet Frank Lengel

Meet Frank Lengel

Meet Frank Lengel, a Pauline Cooperator living in South Carolina.

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Meet Maryann Toth

Meet Maryann Toth

Meet Maryann Toth, a Pauline Cooperator living in New Jersey.

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